


演员:Paul Bandey

对白:英语Raphaël Aupy Fred Fougea Mathieu Giombini Laurent Herbiet Antonin Boutinard Rouelle




For millennia, a faithful companion has been by our side, offering support and protection in various ways. From aiding in hunting and herding livestock to providing emotional comfort and companionship in times of need, this loyal creature has played a crucial role in our lives. But how did dogs first enter into our world, forging this enduring bond that has lasted for thousands of years?---This contemplative exploration delves into the profound connection between humans and dogs, tracing back thousands of years to unravel the origins of this extraordinary relationship. As we journey through history, we witness the countless ways in which dogs have enriched our lives and become an integral part of our existence. Through captivating storytelling and heartfelt anecdotes, the film sheds light on the timeless companionship and unwavering loyalty that define the bond between man and canine. Ultimately, it celebrates the enduring legacy of our four-legged friends and the invaluable role they continue to play in our lives to this day.



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