


演员:Bryce Troy Roach Keith Silverman Craig Molly Broze Paul Reh Daniel Alefantis Nina Roach Elizabeth Ramsey Pape James Alexander Williamson Saperstein Michalik Caleb McKew Darcy Burkman Derrick Oliver Ross Jack





Exploring the prevalence of disinformation in the digital era, a thought-provoking documentary delves into the alarming trend of fabricated news stories in the United States. This film sheds light on the detrimental effects that fake news, conspiracy theories, and misinformation have on everyday individuals. Highlighting various prominent instances of false news gaining traction and influencing society, such as the notorious "Pizzagate" scandal, the documentary paints a stark picture of the consequences of spreading deceitful narratives.Movie review:This documentary serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the spread of misinformation in the age of social media. By examining real-world examples of the impact of fake news, the film effectively conveys the importance of critical thinking and vigilance in consuming information. In an engaging and informative manner, it prompts viewers to question the sources of their news and the potential repercussions of falling for deceptive narratives. Ultimately, it stands as a compelling call to action for media literacy and discernment in the face of the rampant spread of disinformation.



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