


演员:Hunt Stephanie 莎拉·杜格代尔 Newton Alisha

对白:英语Sheldon Wilson




On Halloween eve in a small town on Shelter Island, a killer storm is approaching. However, the dark clouds signal the arrival of a curse that has been dormant for a century. Emerging from the woods is a monstrous and relentless creature made of fire, bones, and earth. Three sisters find themselves fighting for survival as they navigate through the treacherous night of the Hollow, where danger lurks at every turn.Review:The atmosphere of suspense and impending doom in this film is palpable, setting the stage for a thrilling and chilling Halloween tale. The concept of a centuries-old curse and a terrifying creature adds a fresh twist to the classic horror genre. The strong bond between the three sisters and their fight for survival keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. With a perfect blend of horror and supernatural elements, "The Hollow" delivers a haunting and intense experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish.



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