爆丸4 机械波涛8.1



演员:仙台エリ 广桥凉 水野理纱 铃木千寻 小林优



Drago finds himself struggling to harness the immense powers granted to him by Code Eve, leading both Dan and Drago to consider stepping away from the world of Bakugan battles. Amidst this internal strife, a shadowy and dangerous new foe sneaks into the heart of Bakugan Interspace, causing chaos among the Battle Brawlers and their loyal supporters. Faced with this dual crisis, the Battle Brawlers must come together and figure out how to master the untamed powers of Code Eve, enlisting the help of unlikely allies along the way. Failure to tame these newfound abilities could spell disaster for all Bakugan, making it imperative for our heroes to rise above the challenge and protect their world."Without giving away too much, the latest installment in the Bakugan series delivers a thrilling narrative filled with intense battles and high-stakes drama. The addition of a formidable new enemy raises the stakes for our beloved characters, forcing them to confront their inner struggles while also uniting against a common threat. With stunning animation and heart-pounding action sequences, this chapter in the Bakugan saga is a must-watch for fans old and new alike."



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