


演员:Guevara González Urbina Leonidas Magdiel Rubén

对白:西班牙语Flavio Pedota




In Venezuela, a deadly new rabies virus spreads rapidly, causing fear and chaos among the population. Amidst the outbreak, a devoted father fights against time and the odds to protect his young son from contracting the virus. With the infected becoming increasingly aggressive and dangerous, the father must navigate through the dangerous streets and face countless obstacles in order to keep his son safe.Review:This gripping tale of a fathers unwavering love and determination in the face of a deadly outbreak is both heart-wrenching and thrilling. The intense race against time and the elements creates a sense of urgency that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The emotional depth of the father-son relationship adds an extra layer of complexity to the story, making it a truly compelling watch. Overall, this film is a powerful reminder of the lengths a parent will go to in order to protect their child, even in the most dire of circumstances.



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