
In a special episode of a historical comedy series, Horrible Histories, the focus is on King John and the Magna Carta. Played by Ben Miller, King John manages to infuriate the Barons with his antics, leading to the historic agreement of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. This pivotal moment is reached after a memorable rap battle that leaves everyone in awe. Simultaneously, the show takes viewers on a journey across the world to meet the legendary Genghis Khan in Mongolia, and also introduces the cunning Saladin during the time of the Crusades. All these historical figures come to life with a touch of humor and wit, making the past feel alive and fascinating. And of course, our ever-present guide, Rattus, ensures that the audience is entertained and educated throughout the episode.Review: Horrible Histories delivers another delightful and informative special, this time focusing on King John and the Magna Carta. With a mix of humor, music, and historical facts, the show manages to make history engaging for viewers of all ages. The talented cast, led by Ben Miller, brings these iconic figures to life in a way that is both entertaining and educational. Truly a fun and enlightening watch for history enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.


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