
别名:书简乐园 / 书之马戏团


演员:希西莉亚·卡拉 友兰达·梦露 拉娅·玛茹尔 梅芙·德莫迪 安东尼娅·托马斯





In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason found themselves facing financial difficulties and searching for a means to provide for their young family. Their path took an unexpected turn when they responded to a newspaper advertisement placed by Larry Flynt, who was in need of distributors for Hustler Magazine. What started as a temporary venture soon evolved into a full-fledged involvement within the LGBT community as they assumed ownership of a neighborhood shop known as Circus of Books. Over time, they found themselves navigating through a world filled with decadence and challenges, ultimately experiencing a journey they never could have foreseen.Review:This gripping tale delves deep into the unexpected journey of Karen and Barry Mason, showcasing their evolution from a struggling couple to integral members of the LGBT community. The narrative skillfully weaves together themes of family, business, and acceptance, painting a vivid portrait of a unique chapter in their lives. With poignant storytelling and heartfelt moments, "Circus of Books" invites viewers to witness the transformative power of empathy and understanding as the Masons navigate uncharted waters.



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