


演员:张雁 王尚信 王熙岩 祝希娟

对白:汉语普通话张骏祥 顾而已




20th century, a coal mine in Jiangxi. The coal miners are squeezed and enslaved by the mine owner all day long, but they cant even afford to eat. After the establishment of the Communist Party, Lei Huanjue (played by Wang Shangxin) is sent to the mine to secretly organize the workers using night schools to improve their awareness of anti-oppression and anti-exploitation. Yi Laoguan (played by Wei Heling) has been mining coal for generations, believing that being poor is fate, while his son Yi Mengzi (played by Wang Xiyi) refuses to accept this and wants to make a difference with his fists. On the day Mengzi and Qiu Ying (played by Zhu Xijuan) get married, a gas explosion occurs in the lane, and the mine owner, disregarding the large number of workers still underground, tries to forcibly seal the mine shaft. Mengzi fights against him at all costs but is outnumbered and captured. Foreman Chen (played by Zhang Yan) takes the opportunity to pressure Qiu Ying to repay debts, leaving her with no choice but to commit suicide. Lei Huanjue exposes the truth of the incident through newspapers, enraging the miners, and Wang Liankui (played by Zheng Min) is forced to release Yi Mengzi. The truth educates Mengzi that only when the workers unite can they have strong power, and the fire of the strike is spreading like wildfire...Review:This gripping and heartfelt drama captures the struggles of the coal miners in a remote village, shedding light on their fight against oppression and exploitation. The powerful performances by the cast bring to life the raw emotions and determination of the characters as they come together to seek justice and change. The film effectively portrays the themes of unity and resistance, leaving viewers inspired by the resilience and courage of the workers in the face of adversity.


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