宠物 19735.3

别名:Submission / Questo sesso ribelle / Animal Women - Animalische Frauen


演员:琼·布拉克曼 K.T. Roberto Candice 艾德·毕肖普 贝里·克勒格尔





Reckless and daring teenage runaway Bonnie wanders aimlessly through America, unaware of the dangers that lurk around every corner. She soon becomes entangled with a motley crew of unsavory characters who see her as nothing more than a pawn in their twisted games: ruthless criminal Pat coerces Bonnie into assisting with a sinister abduction plot involving the unsuspecting Dan Daubrey; commanding lesbian artist Geraldine Mills sees Bonnie as a possession to be claimed, using her as both a muse and a captive; and cruel misogynist A strikingly raw portrayal of innocence corrupted by the darkness of human nature, this film delves into the harrowing journey of a young girl whose naivety becomes both her downfall and her salvation. Through a series of disturbing encounters and manipulative relationships, Bonnie is forced to confront the harsh realities of a world intent on exploiting her vulnerability. With its unflinching exploration of power dynamics and the complexities of desire, this gripping narrative serves as a haunting reminder of the perilous balance between trust and betrayal.



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