

类型:情感片家庭 生活2013

演员:(유세미) Won-seok Yoo Se-mi Joo (주원석)

对白:韩语Lee Se-il




Min-ah wakes up to find herself in a strangers bed, handcuffed and confused. The stranger next to her, Nam-gyu, seems familiar but she cant quite place him. As memories slowly return, she grapples with the strange situation she finds herself in. Nam-gyu is torn between letting her go and wanting her to stay, their connection palpable yet shrouded in mystery. As Min-ah struggles to remember the events that led her here, she must also confront the undeniable pull she feels towards Nam-gyu. What will unfold between these two strangers bound by the night?Review:This mysterious and captivating tale of two strangers entangled in a web of unknown memories and forbidden desires will keep you on the edge of your seat. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, drawing the audience into their enigmatic world where nothing is as it seems. The delicate balance between letting go of the past and succumbing to the pull of the present is expertly portrayed, making for a suspenseful and engaging narrative. "I Want to Be With You" delivers a thrilling and emotionally charged experience that lingers long after the credits roll.



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